From an HEMI Article published in 1997
In February of 1993 the Spirit of the Lord said to Harold Eatmon “thunderstorms, thunderstorms, thunderstorms.” I saw clouds become very black in the sky. The rain began to fall until it cut grooves and trenches in the ground. I saw a flood of water cover the ground of the Midwest states.
In May 1993 the Holy Spirit spoke these words “The ground is hard and the tent is full.” Through these words the understanding came. God was saying the spiritual hearts of His people were as dry scorched deserts. He was also saying just as Achan hid the silver, gold, and beautiful clothing under the tent floor, so had men hid their sin the same way. Because of the stony hearts of the believers God would send a fresh early rain. It would be judgement to some and blessing to others. Then July and August of ’93 came the rains. The rains and the flood was a sign to them that believe…
Prophecy Fulfillment
FEMA Article “The 1993 Great Midwest Flood”